ISO 13131 11633-2 Health Informatics Telehealth Services

Covid and ISO Health Informatics Experience & Telehealth Services
Policies and resources will decide the direction for telehealth in the future during the COVID-19 epidemic. Flinders University carried out a study of health professionals to assess their experiences with telehealth within COVID-19. Telehealth, which allows doctors or health professionals to communicate via telephone or the Internet with patients, were endorsed by the government of Australia during the beginning stages of. This was done to lower the risk of transmission. This is especially useful for rural and remote areas that do not have the accessibility to physical therapy.

Flinders University researchers Dr Paul Ward Dr. Hailay Absrha Geosesew , Prof. Anthony Maeder Professor Hailay Absrha Gesesew and Dr Alan Taylor conducted a survey of 91 health professionals to evaluate their experience using the use of telehealth. According to the doctors, there are positives like the legalization of telehealth, greater trust in the service provision, and greater human- and financial resources available.

"While some doctors believed the shift to telehealth was forced upon them because of the pandemic" said Dr Alan Taylor from Flinders University, who is also a member of the Australian Telehealth Society Committee.

Dr. Taylor declared it impossible to predict if telehealth will survive the pandemic. The future funding of the telehealth sector will be affected by the complex mix of clinical and policy practices. Dr Alan Taylor managed a project to develop an international standard for Telehealth services. International Standards Organization Health Informatics Committee published the ISO 13131.2021 Health informatics- Telehealth ServicesQuality planning guidelines. See the ISO 13131:2021 Health informatics -- Telehealth services -- Quality planning guidelines doc here.

Dr Taylor stated that international standards are an important part of world trade in goods, services, and with the increasing use of telehealth services, it is crucial to maintain the quality of telehealth services subject to ISO/TR 11633-2:2021 Health informatics-Information security management for remote maintenance of medical devices and medical information systems. These guidelines can be very useful to health professionals, such as primary care physicians who wish to utilize risk management procedures to establish quality objectives and develop guidelines for the running of telehealth services. Check more ISO/TR 11633-2:2021 Health informatics -- Information security management for remote maintenance of medical devices and medical information systems info.

The standard comprises:
Quality control in telehealth
Operational and strategic processes with respect to the regulations and knowledge management (best practices) and guidelines
Health-related processes that are related to people, for example, planning, activities in the field of healthcare and obligations
Financial resource management
Management and security of information
The processes that concern the provision and plan of infrastructure and human resources as well as technological resources

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